



远洋资本陈阳做主题演讲 解读亚洲特殊机会投资市场与合作机遇


 11月12日-14日,第32届“AVCJ私募股权与创业投资亚洲论坛”在香港四季酒店召开。作为全亚洲地区创业投资、私募股权、并购投资及困境交易市场最具影响力的即时新闻和资讯提供商——亚洲创业基金期刊 (以下简称“AVCJ“), 连续32年在每年11-12月间举办的年度论坛已成为亚洲区最具影响力与知名度的顶级私募股权与创业投资盛会。
值得注意的是,伴随着推动新旧增长动力的转换,以银行不良贷款、企业债务违约处置为核心业务的遇险交易市场规模持续扩大,AVCJ年度论坛发起设立32年以来首度针对特殊机会投资暨“困境交易(Distress Deal)”这个细分领域设置专题研讨论坛。
在13日下午召开的以 “Distress: Capturing the advantage(困境投资:把握优势)“的圆桌论坛开始前,远洋资本副总经理、资产管理业务董事总经理陈阳作为中国区机构代表,受邀在AVCJ首次设立的中英文双语主论坛发表主题演讲。这也是远洋资本成立以来首度受邀在国际级行业论坛发表主题演讲。

首先,感谢大会邀请,让我们得以有机会从“全球视角”出发, 去抓住和实现“本地化机遇”。下面我将代表远洋资本分享在特殊机会投资领域的一些观点以及正在展开的探索与尝试。
First of all, I would like to say thanks for the AVCJ’s invitation. This is a wonderful opportunity which enables us to seize and achieve local opportunity from the global perspective. In this session, on behalf of Sino-Ocean Capital, I will share our views on Special Situation investment (SSI) and what we plan to navigate the market in the foreseeable future.
SSI, broadly speaking, means the investment opportunity in which assets are in the distressed stated when the economy has reached a special period, or when they have encountered special events. These assets could be non-performing assets of financial institutions, assets involved in litigation, assets during enterprise restructuring or bankruptcy liquidation, and other assets which need to be disposed of urgently. Under these special situations, the assets are not damaged by themselves, but the prices are much lower than their intrinsic value. Besides, some trend value investment opportunities resulting from the country's sustainable development strategy and the old growth momentum conversion, also belong to the scope of Special Situation Investment.
In terms of theoretical perspectives, we find that the improvement and expansion of the SSI system can enrich financial functions and optimize the financial system, which will further promote the China’s financial development.

At this economic period, we are keenly capture some attractive opportunities in SSI. First, at present, China’s economy changed from high-speed growth to high-quality growth. There exists two problems: the imbalance between finance and real economy, and the imbalance between real estate and real economy, which leads to the rising market size of SSI, and China's SSI will usher in a new round of opportunities. Secondly, SSI helps proactively prevent and resolve systemic financial risks, and can promote the structural reform of the financial supply side, which is highly related to with the core idea of financial thinking of General Secretary Xi.

The founder of Oaktree Capital, Howard Marks, says cycles always prevail eventually. We must follow the cycle. However, in practice, making successful special opportunity investment is full of challenges. Investors need to first discover the underlying assets with huge potential for value enhancement, and then increase the value of these assets through active management capabilities, and ultimately achieve the desired return. In addition, as assets are in a special state, the disposal process will be more complicated and takes more time, which further increases the difficulty of investment.

远洋资本在特殊资产投资领域具有卓越实力。远洋资本成立于 2013 年,致力于成为国际一流的另类资产管理机构。截止目前,在管资产规模已突破 900亿元人民币。远洋资本约有员工 300 人,大多具有出色的教育背景,。团队专业结构来看,大约 50%的成员具有产业实践背景,50%的成员具备多年金融领域工作经验。在特殊机会投资领域,以远洋资本城市更新基金、特殊机会收购基金等为代表,已完成元博酒店、科恩大厦、合星大厦、北京华联和天津大通等项目的全部或部分置入,其中成功退出的北京华联项目实现退出 IRR30+%。
Our company, Sino-ocean Capital, has outstanding advantages in SSI. Founded in 2013, we are committed to be a world-class alternative asset management company. Up to now, the scale of our AUM (assets under management) has exceeded 90 billion RMB. For SSI, we have two representative funds, Urban Renewal Fund and the Special Opportunity Acquisition Fund. We have already put all or part of projects into funds and achieve high return, including Yuanbo Hotel, Cohen Building, Hexing Building, Beijing Hualian Building (BHB) and Tianjin Datong Building. For instance, the IRR of BHB is above 30%.

Our advantages also lie in the synergy between our company and our parent company, Sino-Ocean Group. Sino-Ocean Group is one of the Top 10 domestic real estate enterprises listed on the HK stock market, and it has 5 business segments covering the full industry chain of real estate market. We have lots of cooperation. For example, we have worked on projects in collaboration with development department; we entrusted the Commercial Property Management Department of Sino-Ocean Group to manage office and logistics projects. Cooperate with the Customer Service Department to promote the acquisition and investment in apartment operation enterprises, assist in the innovation of long-term rental apartment operation mode, and work jointly to promote the landing of Overseas Pension Project.

今年 9 月,远洋资本首次启动境内评级工作即取得权威信用评级机构的信用AA+评级,也说明了远洋资本在另类资产管理、资本市场运作等业务方面的卓越能力和表现。2020 年,我们将在非地产夹层基金、特殊机会投资、非地产并购基金三个领域重点推进业务发展。
In September this year, we launched the domestic rating program for the first time, and obtained AA+ rating issued by the authoritative credit rating agency. This demonstrates the superior capabilities and performance of Sino-Ocean Capital in the alternative asset management market and capital market. In 2020, we will focus on three areas: Non-real estate Mezzanine Funds, Special Situation Investment, and Non-real estate M&A Funds.
Currently, we are working with many parties to jointly promote “The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Special Situation Investment Fund”. We will integrate our unique resources, take advantages of Sino-Ocean Group’s capabilities on the industry and real estate, and adopt the business model of “heavy asset holding and light asset operation” to achieve win-win situation and high-quality sustainable development.
We have already formed a cooperation consensus with mainland government, regulatory authorities, insurance funds, pension funds and other institutional investors both domestically and internationally, and we are committed to implementing the cooperation plan. We hope to talk to all of you to discuss and explore more opportunities in the fields of setting up special opportunity investment funds, special opportunity capital cross-border cooperation, and creating Special Situation Investment specialized trading markets.
Thank you all!

上一篇:远洋资本荣膺2019年中国物流与供应链金融卓越服务金融机构奖 下一篇:蝉联年度金睿机构 远洋资本另类资管能力再受肯定